The ShibSniffer Telegram Bot

The bot was deployed a day after Shibarium mainnet went live, and has spread like wildfire amongst the main Telegram lounges, private groups and now also works in call channels too!

The bot has been upgraded and tweaked continuously, with extra features and functions being added and improved on. Day in, day out!

ShibSniffer has already partnered with and secured long term promo deals with several well established Shibarium projects including widely recognised tokens, launchpads and large Telegram communities.

ShibSniffer runs ads on its TG bot, which are already amassing over 5000 views daily and rising, fast.

[Username to add]

[Announcement & Promo Channel]

🌟Bot' Functions & Commands🌟

The Sniffer

/sniff (insert CA)

Detailed token information for any requested Shibarium token CA, including markektcap, volume, taxes, honeypot checker, chart links, 24 hr price +/- and more.

Top Trending Tokens


Provides a real time list of the top 5 trending tokens on Shibarium. Calculated by volume & liquidity : recent, high volume activity.

Simple Marketcap Info

/mcap (insert ca)

A simple, no BS user command which provides the marketcap of a requested token CA.

Promote Your Project To Our Vast Reach Of Users


Use this command to summon contact info of the relevant team members when looking to run ads on ShibSniffer

General Info


Summon a detailed list of all commands and general info about ShibSniffer with this command

The ShibSniffer Token - $SNIFF

$SNIFF Contract Address

The token at the heart of the ShibSniffer ecosystem is $SNIFF deployed and launched solely on Shibarium mainnet.

Holders of $SNIFF will benefit directly in many ways;

▪︎Profit share - ShibSniffer will be monetized via advertising other Shibarium tokens and projects. The revenue generated from these ads, will partly be:

•Redistributed to $SNIFF holders directly and proportionally in the form of $BONE

•Used to buyback $SNIFF tokens from the open market, of which some will be burnt, and some added to the SNIFF/BONE liquidity pool.
▪︎Free Usage Of Premium ShibSniffer Features - $SNIFF holders will be able to use the premium paid features of the ecosystem and its utilities, whilst individuals who don't hold $SNIFF will have to pay a premium to access and utilize them.



Over the next 48 hours, GemPad lock info will be added to token info when using The Sniffer, along with Renounce & CA Verfication checks.

Realtime Chart Image-Gen

Use a simple command to summon a real-time image of a tokens chart.

Wallet Tracker

Input any Wallet address to see its on chain TXN history, with alerts if a Wallet has malicious history. Ie; removing LP.

ShibSniffer Dapp V.1

Along with all the features the TG Bot has, the ShibSniffer Dapp will allow users to view their portfolio info. Tokens name, $ value, marketcap and LP pool info.

The dApp will also allow users to swap directly within the dApp, alongside a multichart UI.


The SNIFF token will be using Gempad as its Presale launchpad partner. Presale Will be held on Saturday 9TH September at 04:09 PM UTC.

• Soft Cap - 6,000 $BONE

• Hard Cap - 3,000 $BONE

$SNIFF Tokens per $BONE - 2800 $SNIFF for every BONE

$SNIFF Launch:Monday September 11th. 2PM UTC on PunkswapDEX

Launch Mcap -

Gold Tier Presale ✔️
KYC with Assure Defi ✔️
Smart Contract Audit ✔️

Presale link: Click Here



Token Supply


Buy Tax:


Sell Tax:
